



Test panels for penetrant inspections




TYPE1(JIS / ISO) Reference test blocks for planting c and 10, 20, 30, 50μm in depth are provided.
TYPE2(JIS / ISO) Reference test-blocks for having two different functions, crack and surface roughness
TYPE3(JIS) 24S reference test blocks of thermal crack for aluminium (comply with JIS Z 2343-3)
ASME Test Panels Reference test panels for aluminium comply with ASME : Twin type, 10mm in thickness.


Test panels for magnetic particle inspections

Test panels for magnetic particle inspection

① TYPE A1:7/50、15/50、30/50、15/100、30/100、60/100

② TYPE A2:7/50、15/50、30/50、15/100、30/100、60/100

③ TYPE C: 8/50



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